Kasanka National Park is under threat!
Kasanka National Park (Zambia), managed by the Kasanka Trust, is home to the largest terrestrial mammal migration on Earth. This wildlife wonder brings tourists from across the world to visit this unique and beautiful national park.
The park is surrounded by a game management area, which should provide a protection buffer but has seen illegal deforestation of 560 ha by a company preparing the area for agricultural development. The deforestation was halted when authorities became aware of it and the company has now submitted an ESIA (ecological and social impact assessment) to ZEMA (Zambian Environmental Management Agency) who are reviewing the document. We are asking organisations and individuals to raise their voices with Kasanka Trust, to ensure this agricultural development does not get the go ahead. There is no mention in the ESIA about bats and very little information about the impact of huge quantities of water planned to be extracted and how this will impact on the communities living in this area. You can read a good summary overview in this Africa Geographic article and the background on the Kasanka website. Ways you can help:
Charistmatic straw-coloured fruit bats flying at Kasanka National Park
(c) Rachael Cooper-Bohannon / Bats without Borders To view the ESIA, please visit the ZEMA website.
We have been getting reports the website has been going down. If you have any trouble accessing it, please download the ESIA document provided below.